1st February 2022

Dialstone Lane Newsletter

1st February 2022

A Letter from our Minister

Dear Friends,

I can’t believe it’s February already! Although Christmas and New Year now seem like a distant memory, this is the first chance I have had to thank you all for the many cards, gifts and greetings received over the Christmas period.

 Although we are still, rightly, being very ‘COVID cautious’ it is good that we can gather together for worship and for some meetings and events. My hope and prayer is that as 2022 progresses we will be able to continue to open up the range and depth of fellowship activities because above all, these are good for our physical and mental health.

We remember that Jesus spoke of loving God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind and so alongside our acts of service, our endeavours to remain physically healthy and our life of worship, it is important that we don’t neglect our mental health. As I write, it is ‘Blue Monday’ supposedly the most gloomy day of the year, in the middle of January! But the deep winter days don’t need to be days of feeling low and fed up; our God is a God who is just as present in the darkness as in the light.  If you can, take time to use these days to draw closer in (if you are used to being out and about), to slow down (if you are too busy) and to appreciate the Divine presence in the gifts of moonlight, shade and shadow. After all, when God created the universe, God chose to keep the darkness, 50% of all time is dark!

If, however you are feeling low at this time, as you await the arrival of Spring, there are 5 actions we can all focus on as we care for our mental health. They have been called the 'Five to thrive'. These are: connect with others, be active, take notice of the world around us, keep learning, and give. It struck me that this is a pretty good summary of the Christian life as well; certainly all these things were important to the way Jesus lived his life and you might like to think of examples of when he did these 5 things. Only if we look after our own mental health can we be in a position to look after others. So, think about these things – even if you are stuck indoors there may well be things you can do in all of these 5 categories. 

And if you are still feeling that you can’t wait for the lighter evenings to return then don’t worry – next month sees the changing of the clocks and the start of Lent, as we approach the Easter season and that eternal reminder of the resurrection to new life. New life which is, of course, always with us. Even in the darkness. While winter thrives, the seeds of new life are sheltering in the darkness of the underground, building themselves up and waiting to break through. If it wasn’t for darkness, there would be no life at all.

With every blessing to you all,


Lent Course

This year, our Lent Course will be run on a Circuit basis. ‘And Can it Be?' -  A five-part Lenten Study — Available as a booklet for small groups or as a zoom session led by the ministers starting on Thursday 10th March at 7-8pm

Rev Cathy Bird

February Circuit Service

The Circuit Service at 4.00pm on Sunday February 6th will now be held at Woodley Methodist Church, NOT Dialstone Lane. We hope to be able to welcome the Circuit to our Church in future when Covid numbers are less significant.


Prior to the Covid pandemic some members of the Church were able to join together each January for a holiday, this was normally a 'National Holidays' holiday.

Myself and Linda Norbury have taken the reins from Glyn and Elizabeth Jenkins and are starting to plan and organise this.

This will not be classed as a " Church Holiday".

We are in the process of obtaining Brochures from a few Coach tour companies and we would like an idea of how many people would be interested, and when and where would be the most popular times and places to go.

Traditionally these holidays have been taken in January, at this time we are unsure about availability in January 2023.

In January costs would be lower, and we have plenty of time to plan for January 2023. However, if people would be prepared to pay a higher price could we consider the possibility of an Autumn break for this year 2022, maybe at the end of September or beginning of October?

Over the next few weeks can you please let us know what you think.

Gill Ramsbottom  483 8812
Linda Norbury 483 3143

Afternoon Quiz and Hot Pot - Saturday 19th February 3.30pm

You are invited to an afternoon quiz (kindly produced by Andrew Mason) followed by Hot Pot, Apple Pie and cream, Tea or Coffee.

Please support this fundraiser for our chosen charity, Jump Space, by bringing along family and friends.

Tickets will be on sale each week after Church, cost £8 from Jane Hollins, Debbie Wells or Linda Norbury, alternatively contact Linda on 07984 708861. As we are using outside caterers, you will appreciate that it is essential that we take payment as tickets are distributed. 

Please let me know if you are able to provide a large plate apple pie (home – made or shop bought) on the day.

Raffle Prizes would also be welcome and a raffle box will be placed at the back of church for your donations.

Many Thanks in anticipation of your support.

Linda N

Treasurer’s Report

It has been a difficult couple of years financially for the church with a much reduced rental income over previous years. Thanks to all those who have given so generously during this time which has enabled us to keep going . 2 of our biggest groups didn’t return when we reopened but we have 2 new groups, Slimming World and Caroline Dean School of Dance who now use our building. A big thank you to all those who help organise this and to Pat and Peter for taking over Sue’s role whist she is unwell.

Our estimated expenditure for a year without any unexpected repair bills is £52000. We have just had a problem with the boiler in the main hall which has cost several hundred pounds and our energy bills  have been very high during the winter months.

I am asking everyone to consider carefully and prayerfully what they are able to give to the Church in order to keep us on a sound financial footing. 

Thanks to all those who have moved over to giving by standing order. It does help as treasurer to know that we have an amount of guaranteed income each month. If anyone would prefer to pay their offering by standing order please ask me for a form. Also if anyone would like to join the envelope scheme or Gift Aid their giving please ask. My telephone number is 07545 140709

This is a list of all the charities we have supported since September 2021. Jump Space is our church charity and we are still fund raising for them.

Stockport Foodbank               £205.19
Wood Street Mission                £90.50
DEC Afghanistan                    £100.00
Action for Children                  £203.93
Jump space (so far)              £1745.60

Jane Hollins (Treasurer)

Four Seasons

I am organising the next Four Seasons meeting on Thursday February 3rd at 8:00pm. Mostly pencil and paper with a human anatomy theme. It will bring back memories of all those biology lessons I have taught!



The Three M's meetings have now recommenced, this is the 'Monday Monthly Meeting', which meets on the second Monday of each Month, at 2:00pm. We have puzzles, a speaker, refreshments and a time to chat together. The next meetings will be on 14th February and 14th March. The invitation is open to all.


My belated & sincere thanks for the lovely flowers and to Gill for bringing them. Thank you also for your kind and comforting messages. With Love & Blessings.

Barbara Pape

I wish to say thank you for the Church flowers and to Susan for delivering them. They were lovely.


A very belated but grateful thanks to all at church for the cards and phone calls I have received over the last 6 or so months and being off the radar. I am hoping to return to church as soon as my legs realise that they belong to me. I have stopped driving for the safety of everyone so any outing is a bit of a problem.

Thank you also for the lovely biscuits at Christmas and to Gill for delivering them. Thank you especially to Sue and Lynda for keeping me in touch, and for the any cards and good wishes. I was particularly touched by Ruth & Andrew’s message saying that I was missed and not forgotten. I have tried to keep up with phone calls to some of you but not as often as I would have liked.

I would like to wish everyone at Church every blessing for 2022 with good health and happiness for the year. All my love to you all.


Get Well Soon

We all send our love and prayers to Sue and hope she will soon be fully recovered from her recent operation.

Church Council Meeting

The Church Council meeting will now be on Thursday 17th February at 10.00am on Zoom.

Details as follows:

Topic: Church Council Meeting

Time: Feb 17, 2022 10:00 London

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 889 8159 1111   Passcode: 559862

One tap mobile

+441314601196,,88981591111#,,,,*559862# United Kingdom

+442034815237,,88981591111#,,,,*559862# United Kingdom

Dial by your location
        0131 460 1196              0203 481 5237            0203 481 5240            0203 901 7895
        0208 080 6591              0208 080 6592            0330 088 5830

Meeting ID: 889 8159 1111    Passcode: 559862

Pancake Day

1st March between 10am and 12 noon (join anytime during these times)

As we are still having to be careful, we have been asked to do the Pancake Day over Zoom once again.

We welcome everyone to join us for a get together and chat during which you can have your pancakes and coffee (sorry we are unable to make them for you). Anyone wishing to give a donation would be most welcome to do so.

We hope next year we will be able to get together in person once again.

Pat & Peter

Topic: Pancake Day Get-Together

Time: Mar 1, 2022 10:00 London

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 819 2270 4093     Passcode: 531012   

One tap mobile

+442034815237,,81922704093#,,,,*531012# United Kingdom

+442034815240,,81922704093#,,,,*531012# United Kingdom

Dial by your location
        0203 481 5237           0203 481 5240           0203 901 7895           0208 080 6591
        0208 080 6592           0330 088 5830           0131 460 1196

Meeting ID: 819 2270 4093     Passcode: 531012

DLMC rear garden and air raid shelters

The Eco group is soon to have a meeting to discuss possible ways of using the remaining air raid shelter at the rear of the church. It has been used for storage and for garden equipment in the recent past. We are considering future sustainable uses which of course would include any necessary storage.

These thoughts have raised the question as to when the buildings were erected – we assume at the beginning of the war soon after the church was completed, and how much they were used as shelters.

If anyone has any memories of the use of the shelters at any time since they were built, and any photographs we would be keen to hear and see them. 

Please let Margaret B or Dave B know if you can help.

Thanks, in anticipation.


Fair Trade Fortnight – Mon 21st Feb – Sun 6th Mar

The theme for this year’s fortnight is “Choose the World you Want” and the Fairtrade Foundation will again be providing a great range of virtual activities you can join via https://www.fairtrade.org.uk/Get-Involved/Current-campaigns/Fairtrade-Fortnight/

The aim is to show how your purchasing and campaigning choices are ways in which you choose the world you want. The impact of climate change on the poorest farmers supported by Fair Trade means that they were greatly disappointed by the outcomes of COP 26 so that campaigning for COP 27 in Cairo this year must be boosted.

What’s on offer on-line includes webinars, bake-offs, quizzes, discussions, presentations and chances to meet people who produce goods we want (food and drink, textiles, flowers, crafts, toiletries, etc)

The hope is that a number of Covid safe in-person activities will take place locally. A number of local Co-op shops throughout Stockport will have small stalls offering a chance to share their Fair Trade products. And a number of churches will be holding coffee mornings with Traidcraft stalls attached,or re-start their after service coffee and have stalls.

Traidcraft Coffee Morning at Dialstone Lane Saturday 26th February 10-00 – 12.00
It will be lovely to see you in the Church, with a chance to spread ourselves out and have a chat over a brew. And who knows – I may have some bargains on the stall!
Catriona Stoker, Traidcraft Trader

Safeguarding Training In-Person

We have been doing our best to provide Foundation Level Safeguarding Training over zoom during the pandemic but know that’s not for everyone. So, for those who now feel able to come to in-person sessions within the Stockport Circuit, the three Foundation Level Trainers we now have within the circuit have arranged the following sessions. We’ve tried to provide a geographical spread round the circuit, in the biggest churches so it’s easier to spread out in the venue, and to offer different days and times of day, including a Saturday.

  • Tuesday 22 Feb, Woodley – 7.00-9.30
  • Monday 28 Feb, afternoon Heaton Moor
  • Saturday 12th March, 10.00- 12.30 Hazel Grove

Linda Norbury, our Church Safeguarding Officer, will be able to tell you if your safeguarding training needs renewing or you need to undertake some because of a new role you may have within the church. And she will book you onto your chosen course.

There are still some District Foundation Safeguarding courses on offer on zoom, which Linda will be able to inform you about.

Catriona Stoker, Safeguarding Trainer

World Day of Prayer


A women led ecumenical service for the World Day of Prayer

 on Friday 4th March at 2pm.

Venue: St Saviours Church, Great Moor,
Saviour's Rd Great Moor Stockport SK2 7QE

Be part of a 24-hour continuous wave of prayer from Samoa and back again!! Everyone is welcome.

Pleased bring your friends and family to come to this years’ covid safe service which has been prepared by England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It’s a prayerful celebration of diversity and a reflection on poverty, domestic abuse and disability, finding hope in difficult situations and encouragement in the help we can give to each other.

Covid permitting, refreshments will be served after the service.

Amos Trust
“Amos Trust believes that another world is possible, a world where justice flows, the silenced are heard and no one is forgotten. We work to challenge injustice, restore rights and create hope.

We work with vibrant grass-roots partners around the world who have unique local experience, expertise and connections — developing local solutions to global issues. Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. Our current projects focus on promoting the rights of street children, creating a just peace in Palestine and building sustainable rural communities in Nicaragua”

Currently Amos Trust is running a series of zoom webinars called “A Dozen Tuesdays” at 6.00pm on Tuesdays. During February these cover the legacy of Archbishop Desmond Tutu in South Africa, a cycling team of paralympic hopefuls based in Gaza, the 50th anniversary of a Nicaraguan aid organisation originally set up to deal with an earthquake all those years ago and a virtual tour of Gaza. Go to the website to sign up for free.

The Methodist Church Manchester & Stockport District MWiB

Spring Gathering Saturday, 19 th March 11.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. (Coffee served from 10.30 a.m.)

Davenport Methodist Church Garners Lane, Stockport SK3 8QS

(Contact chrisg7684@gmail.com for directions)

Speaker: Ruth Parrott (Connexional President of MWiB)

Please bring your own lunch – drinks provided All Welcome.

Food Bank


Long Life orange Juice
Tinned Vegetables
Shower Gel
Tinned Potatoes



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