Dialstone Lane News
Easter Cards
Our card experts worked hard in the run up to Easter so that we were able to send our church members a handmade Easter card (made by Anita, Ann and myself) as well as a Fairtrade Easter egg. These were donated by Ann in memory of Ted, a committed Easter Egg lover. A big thank you to Ann and Anita I hope they helped to brighten your Easter.
Susan Conlon
Thank you all – there have been many messages of thankfulness for the beautiful cards which have been much appreciated. Thanks also to Susan and to the small group who put the contents into the bags and those who distributed them. Ed.
Ten Thousand Steps for Cancer Research
Congratulations to Susie who has been walking 10,000 steps each day during March for this charity. By the time you read this she will have completed her challenge (doing many more than 10,000 most days even during wet spells when she got soaked!). Thank you to those who have given/promised donations. Anyone wishing to give her a donation can let me have it and I will pass it on.
I would like to thank friends at Dialstone Lane for the lovely snowdrops received recently. They were very much appreciated.
Pastoral Group One would like to thank everyone for the lovely Easter bags and contents and all the work that went into getting them ready. Everyone was delighted at the lovely thought.
Sheila Hulme
I would like to thank Andy and Catriona and all the team who have put together our impressive regular zoom services over the last three months so that we have been able to come together to worship.
It has involved a lot of time and effort by everyone involved and has been a very successful way of continuing to be a connected church, much appreciated by everyone who was able to take part.
As we look forward to once again worshipping in our church building I feel our church family will be stronger and closer thanks to these Sunday morning online services.
So, thank you to Andy and Catriona for making it happen
And so say everyone else! Ed
I would like to thank everyone who sent me cards, plants and flowers on the recent death of my brother. They were very much appreciated and helped me through a very difficult time.
God bless,
Hilda Evans
Christian Aid Week
This runs from 9th – 15th May this year.
I am looking for volunteers to deliver envelopes, and also anyone able to help run a plant stall outside Church during that week. Anyone interested is asked to please phone me on 07858666480.
Lesley Fennell
Sunshine Bags
Thank you to everyone who has joined this fundraising venture for Church Funds.
The time has now come to return your bag. Please bring it on Easter Sunday if you are coming to one of the services or a future service or pass it someone who can let us have it.
Returning to Church
As I write, the Easter morning service at 11.00am is fully booked, but there are still spaces available at the afternoon service at 4.30pm. Do please get in touch with Gill Ramsbottom or myself if you would like to come to that. It will be a great joy to be able to remember and celebrate the central historic events of our faith in person, together, but let us also think of those who cannot yet do so. And let us remember that we all have a responsibility to keep everyone safe by sanitising our hands, wearing a mask, giving ample room between us and welcoming extra ventilation – the new mantra of hands, face, space and fresh air!
With this newsletter you will find a sheet listing everybody’s fellowship group, as some may need a reminder of their group after the break. We also have our preaching plan and other rotas confirmed into early May.
Catriona Stoker, Co-ordinating Steward
MWIB – Easter Offering
In keeping with a move to more normal times (!) you will find an Easter Offering envelope on your chair when you arrive for the service on Easter Day. This is a major source of revenue for the World Church funds of the Methodist Church, supporting training, evangelism, outreach and support work in all parts of the world where there is a Methodist presence. So please give generously - as you may imagine their income has been drastically affected in the past year. If you wish to return the envelope at a later date, please feel free to take the envelope with you.
On April 11th the 3.00pm Circuit Service will be the pre-recorded Easter Offering service prepared by the leadership team of Methodist Women in Britain who organise the Easter Offering. It will include details of how to give online through a JustGiving page. You may remember that we often held the Easter Offering service at Dialstone Lane when we were in the Hazel Grove and Poynton Circuit and it’s a chance to hear about some of the projects supported by the Easter Offering.
A big thank you to all who have purchased Traidcraft goods from me in the past months. These sales have enabled me to send £200 to Traidcraft Exchange, the campaigning arm of Traidcraft. Since 8th March the Government has doubled all gifts to Traidcraft Exchange so worth £400 to them.
If anyone would like to have a copy of my current food stock list on an Excel spread sheet, so that they can order using that, please ask me to email it to you.
Catriona Stoker, cat.stoker@btinternet.com
Recycling tablet packaging
Terracycle, a recycling firm known for their recycling of “difficult items” have developed a process for recycling blister packs that medication (both prescription and over the counter) is often provided in. Various branches of Superdrug have agreed to act as collecting points, and Mersey Square, Stockport is one of these. After Easter there will be a tub provided in the church foyer for you to bring any blister packs you might want recycled, if you are unable to take them to Superdrug yourself.
Yogurt Cake
Ingredients:- 1 small tub of Natural Lowfat Yogurt, 1 small tub of Sunflower Oil,
2 small tubs of Castor Sugar, 3 small tubs of Self Raising Flour, 2 medium eggs,
Orange or Lemon peel (optional), ½ - 1 packet of Chocolate chips
Method:- Use an empty small yogurt tub as the measure for all ingredients,
Place all ingredients except the choc. Chips into a mixing bowl,
stir/mix together until thoroughly blended,
Add choc.chips (dusted with flour to avoid sinking)
Pour into a lined 8” loose bottom cake tin
Bake:- Bake in a preheated oven at 150 degree (fan) or Mark 3 gas for 1 ½ hours
To finish:- When removing cake from the oven sprinkle the top with castor sugar
and allow to cool, then turn out onto wire rack.
This cake freezes well cut in half and wrapped in foil.
Supplied by Jenny