Dialstone Lane Notices - August 2021
Sewing and Jigsaw Sale
Ruth, Andrew and Barbara would like to thank everyone who supported their sale especially Sue who manned the stall with us and Andy for the publicity and delivery of leaflets. We had two very busy days resulting in £750 for Macmillan from the sewing stall and £200 for church funds from the jigsaws.
Well done and thank you to Andrew for giving the proceeds from the jigsaws to church funds.
I would like to thank all at Church for your many cards, letters and good wishes over the past 3 months, I am making good progress but not at the rate I would like, I went in to Stepping Hill for 3 days and was discharged on 9th July, after 3 months being supported by the hospital and community rehabilitation teams.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone, hopefully quite soon, I am sorry I missed Ruth and Andrew's sale, I always loved that when it was in their garden, Please invite me to the next one.
I will give this note to Gill hoping she can make sense of it, my brain has still not recovered from the delirium, but hopefully it will in time.
My phone is now back to normal and is waiting for calls.
Please keep the prayers coming as they were a big comfort, and thanks for all the lovely flowers.
Hoping we can meet up soon.
Lots of love to all and take care, I love and miss you all.
Lisette x x
I can’t thank you enough for all the kind thoughts and good wishes on my special birthday and for all the cards and donations to church funds in lieu of presents. Thank you also for the lovely flower display delivered by Susan from the church family. Everyone has been so kind.
With love and Best Wishes,
Marion Bentley would like to say thank you to all the people who have kindly sent cards and Birthday cards to her. Each card has brought a smile. It means a lot to be remembered. She sends love and thanks to everyone.
Lindsay xx
Thank you to all my friends at Dialstone Lane for the lovely flowers I received. It was very much appreciated.
Family Fun Day, Sunday 19th September, 2.00 - 4.00 pm.
Plans for our first fund raiser for our chosen charity for the year, Jump Space, are now underway.
Jump Space is based off Chestergate, Stockport and provides soft play and trampolining for disabled children from toddlers to teens and young adulthood. Families are able to meet, share experiences and give support to each other. Jump Space, of necessity, has a high staff /child ratio and is reliant on charitable giving for its running costs. They are extremely appreciative of our offer of help.
Firstly. I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all who have volunteered to help with the event. We all know that with COVID constraints, it will be a greater challenge than usual but we are planning with enthusiasm and optimism.
We would be grateful for donations for any of the following activities/stalls:
Refreshments and cake stall – Cakes and Scones - please let Jenny Nowell know if you plan to bring some baking on the day (tel 483 9375)
Tombola – small prizes for all ages
Raffle – items suitable for food hampers eg. Biscuits, cakes, chocolate, nuts, tinned foods such as fruit, ham, salmon or tuna, Biscuits for cheese (crackers), chutney or pickles. Cordials. Boiled sweets.
Toy Stall – new or used toys in good condition.
Bric a brac – small items in good condition.
Boxes will be situated at the back of church for any donations. As we are planning for 19th September, please check dates on any food items.
Thank you in anticipation of your generosity,
Linda N.
Date for your diary
Whilst we can’t yet be sure that we will be able to have a Christmas Fair this year we are pencilling in the date of Saturday 13th November.
Deadline for the September newsletter
Please make sure that you get your items for the September/early October newsletter in by Tuesday August 31st. They can be put into the pigeon-holes at church – or dropped through the letterbox on the old Church front door - for Pat or myself. Better still is if you can email them to Pat or myself on cat.stoker@btinternet.com.
Thank you,
Pat and Catriona
Thank you to everyone who is bringing their medicine packaging to our collection at church. I think they are beginning to recognise me at Superdrug in Mersey Square when I take it in.
One point is that some medicines come in totally aluminium packaging, rather than a mix of plastic and aluminium. It tends to be the medicines for protecting your stomach against the impact of other medicines, for example Lansoprazole. This packaging can be recycled in your brown bin. They just ask that you gather it until you have enough to crunch it together into a ball at least the size of a tennis ball. You can also put foil from milk bottle tops and takeaways, pies and chocolate bars into your “ball”.
Plastic Shed, Stockport; https://www.plasticshed.org/plastic-drop-off
An exciting new social enterprise has been set up in Stockport, with a base in what was the former Edmund Meeks shoe shop on Deanery Way, just off Mersey Way. They are open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. They want not only to collect different sorts of plastic but help to show us how we can recycle that plastic into useful, usable items.
To start with, I thought we could start an additional recycling stream at Dialstone Lane, again having a tub in the foyer. Plastic Shed are very helpful in telling us what sorts of plastic we can usefully recycle. If you are going to reuse it it’s important to only use things of the same chemical composition, otherwise the new item could fall apart, so if we do the “sorting” by only collecting one or two types to start with, that will help. The plastics industry does label each piece of plastic with a number, indicating in a sort of “shorthand” what it is made of. At present, Plastic Shed would like us to concentrate on collecting plastic lids, which have numbers 1, 4 or 5 on them – and they need to be clean and dry. This means things like pop bottle lids and lids from plastic milk bottles. I’ll put some examples up for people to see beside the collecting box in the foyer at church, once I get organised later in August.
Catriona Stoker, Church Eco-Group
Meeting our new preachers – Robin Squelch
We are pleased to be welcoming preachers from the former Stockport and Woodley and Romiley Circuits over the coming months so,we are continuing the series in our newsletter which Andy Stoker had started before Covid, allowing preachers who are new to us to introduce themselves. We will be led in worship by Robin on 12th September.
“I have worked in the Royal Mail (GPO) for over 41 years, currently working part time on nights, operating on a letter sorting machine three nights a week.
I was born in Berkshire, as a child we moved around the Thames Valley area a fair bit due to my late father’s job.
I first attended Kidlington (Oxford) Methodist Church in 1992, which is where I met my wife a few months later.
I moved up to Stockport with my family in 2004 after spending the previous 28 years living on the outskirts of Oxford.
For quite a few years, I felt the need to preach in Church which eventually led me to offer my services as a Local Preacher in 2008, coming in on trial in early 2009. After a lengthy Local Preacher training, I became an accredited preacher in October 2015.
My home church was St Johns in Cheadle Heath right up to its recent closure. So at the moment, I am going to a couple of churches or so till I feel that I have found my new home church.
When I am not involved in Church related activities, I am a volunteer and supporter of my local non-league football club, Cheadle Town FC. Most Mondays, occasional Tuesdays and Friday mornings will find me helping out at the club with general tidying up and light maintenance work.
My favourite hymn is Lord Jesus Christ, which was a hymn that we sang regularly at a secondary school which I attended. The hymn resonates with me, that Jesus has called us to follow him, yet showing the human side of him. I know it is mainly used at communions but it is a hymn that can easily be used in other services. As a very young child, my favourite was Onwards Christian Soldiers!
One thing I like about preaching at different churches, I enjoy meeting other people and hope that I deliver God’s messages well enough for people to understand what the Bible passages are telling us, bringing old messages into today’s world.
I wouldn’t say that I had a particular favourite Bible passage, but the one about the rich young man who couldn’t give up his worldly goods to follow Jesus is a pretty powerful one as well as the one about the prodigal son whose father rejoiced at his homecoming.
I hope this snippet of my life covers most of the bases. Looking forward to seeing you all.”
Robin Squelch
Food Bank
The updates from the food bank are that they are very busy as the school holidays have started and that:-
Dave continues to make regular deliveries from our church .
Services for September and October 2021
The list of services for Sept & October can be found here.