Thursday 5th November 2020
Dear Friends
We learnt with concern earlier in the week, that Rev Cathy’s Mum, Barbara, was unwell and would welcome our prayers. I am now asking that we all pray for Barbara, Cathy and their whole family, as she is seriously ill, and Rev Cathy is spending time with her.
Rev Cathy is still working and can be reached by phone/email. We send our love and supportive wishes.
Lockdown 2nd Nov 2020
We are sad that until the new lockdown regulations are lifted, we are no longer able to have services at Dialstone Lane.
It’s so good that we had the opportunities to celebrate Holy Communion together on Sunday 1st and with an extra service on Wednesday 4th November. Thank you to Rev Cathy, Andrew Mason and Susan Conlon for organising this.
We will be unable to hold our Remembrance Day Service at the end of this week; at the earliest our next service will be on Sunday 6th December. The good news in this is that we now know all the procedures involved in reopening the church, so we can move much more quickly once the rules change. We’ve already got plans in hand for the Advent and Christmas services.
Circuit Sunday Services will continue on zoom at 3.00pm. Please click here for details.
The DLMC Leadership Team have agreed to opening our Church for Personal Prayer, initially for an hour once a week. You will be very welcome to come into the Church on Tuesdays from 11.00 – 12.00, starting this coming week, Tuesday 10th November. The church will be heated and there will be music and some suggestions for prayer on the seats. The usual rules of face masks, hand sanitisation and track and trace details being taken will apply. Marshalls will be on hand to help.
You can come and go as you wish but will have to move in and out without stopping to chat with other people inside. We’ll also have to make sure that you don’t sit on a seat recently used by someone else, so don’t be surprised if you find holly leaves on a chair! After all it’s what the National Trust does to stop people sitting down!
If you are coming to Church for prayer, this also gives you the opportunity to bring any gifts you may have for our Wood Street Mission/Children’s Services and the Food Bank appeals. You will also find Sheila’s knitted Christmas decorations on sale for Church Funds and Traidcraft catalogues.
If you are unable to get to Church with your donation, please phone Gill Ramsbottom (483 8812), Susan Conlon (258 8743), Linda Norbury (483 3143) or Catriona Stoker (487 2010) to arrange a collection or you can deliver Food Bank items to the Bryants (456 8590, 37 Withypool Drive) or the Stokers (487 2010, 162 Mile End Lane). Sheila is happy for you to contact her at home about the decorations too – Tel 456 7600.
Finally, we invite you to a coffee morning via zoom on Thursday November 12th at 11.00. A few quiz questions, a good chat and the finale will be a rousing hymn to join in together. Bring your own brew!
To join the Zoom Coffee Morning Meeting: Meeting ID: 976 3440 7698 Passcode: 148814
With Blessings to All
Catriona Stoker, Co-ordinating Steward