Dialstone Lane Methodist Church
Notices 17th October 2021
Future services
Sunday October 31st
11.00am Preacher – Rev Cathy Bird - This will include a commissioning service for everyone holding roles within the work and life of our Church.
You will have now received the Circuit plan for November and December and the detail that’s relevant to Dialstone Lane will be attached to our next newsletter. However, the newsletter won’t be coming out until the first weekend in November, so I am taking this opportunity to highlight the services that will be taking place on the first Sunday of the month.
Sunday November 7th
11.00am Preacher – Mandy Hawkyard – All welcome
12.30pm Memorial service for Sophie Pape led by Rev Cathy Bird. All welcome - refreshments will be provided for those staying on for this service
4.00pm at Woodley Methodist Church – Circuit Service led by the Circuit Eco-Group focussing on COP 26 – All welcome
Methodist Women in Britain (MWiB)
There is to be a meeting of MWiB ladies at Davenport Methodist church on Tuesday 26th October at 12.00 midday. Bring your own lunch. This is to plan the way forward for our new circuit. It has been suggested that we have an Advent service on the first Tuesday in December, this and other things will be discussed. Any lady is welcome to attend.
This will be an ideal opportunity to get to know each other and we look forward to meeting with you.
Carol Cork, interim president/chair, MWiB Stockport United Circuit.
Four Seasons
The next Four Seasons meeting will be on Thursday November 4th at 8.00pm. We are a monthly women’s group who take it in turns to lead the programme for the evening. But don’t worry, the next year has been covered! Come along and give us a try. We often don't know what to expect, but we can guarantee an offer of friendship and a brew!
Monday November 8th at 2.00pm – All your favourite activities plus a speaker on the History of Stockport.
Brass Band Concert at Woodley Methodist Church – Apologies
I’m sorry - we put the wrong date down for this concert in the newsletter – It should have read Friday 3rd December – see the corrected notice below:
Our friends at Woodley Methodist Church have let us know about their forthcoming Friday Night Concert.
It will feature the Vernon Building Society (Poynton) Brass Band, who will put on a Christmas Concert on Friday 3rd December 2021 @ 7.30pm. Roy Maddock was a great supporter of this band over many years, and it is good to have them performing in the Circuit.
Tickets are £9.00 each and will be available from 10th October from Phil Taylor of Woodley Methodist Church, who can be contacted on 0161 430 8518. Proceeds are to be split between the band and WMC.
Autumn Event – Saturday November 13th 10.00am - 12.00pm
We had hoped to hold a Christmas Fair similar to previous occasions, spread through the whole Church building. However, when we met to plan it, we realised that we would struggle to provide lunches with only 2 people in the kitchen at any one time (let alone the washing up!) and have enough volunteers to decorate everywhere and run the stalls safely. So rather than struggle to do something that was a pale reflection of our normal event, we decided to have a rethink and the idea of our Autumn Event was born.
Starting at 10.00 and running until 12.00 this will be a Coffee Morning with big ideas! There will be stalls selling delicious cakes and preserves, plants and bulbs, hand made cards and decorations, Traidcraft, hand knitted goods and crafts, toiletries and pre-loved accessories, a chocolate tombola and a Christmas hamper raffle. There will be children’s activities and a chance enjoy a coffee and cake. And a last chance to purchase costumes from the Margaret Lapham Dance School.
Proceeds will be divided between the Church charity – Jump Space - and Church funds.
This all takes some planning and involvement of many people. There will be boxes at the back of church up until Monday 8th November to collect your kind gifts of chocolate for the tombola, Christmas foods for the hamper(s), any surplus to your requirements handbags or scarves and toiletries (unopened please). In the meantime, there will be a flier requesting offers of baked good for the cake stall and refreshments placed on chairs in church, which Doreen Parrott, Jenny Nowell or Catriona Stoker will be glad to receive back; it’s much easier to plan, when we know what’s coming in and where the gaps are. Please let Catriona know, if you haven’t already, if you are able to help on the day or in setting up or clearing away and what you would particularly like to do.
We will be able to set up during Friday 12th November, starting at 1.30pm.
Look out too for our exciting new event nearer Christmas on the afternoon of Sunday December 12th – carols, the Christmas story, hot drinks and mince pies – outside all being well!