Returning to Church


Reopening our church buildings:

This is the last newsletter before our church buildings are reopening for 2 user groups in the hall during the week beginning September 7th and for worship in groups from September 13th.
Please make sure that what you choose to do around coming back to the church building is guided by what is best for you to do. Our church is far more than its buildings.
With this newsletter you will find;

  • a list of all the new fellowship/pastoral groups which is our mechanism for inviting you back to church in controlled numbers

  • the rota of who is preaching, when the different groups will be attending church and the people acting as marshalls to help you through the altered surroundings (view rota here)

  • an updated version of what it will be like when you come back to church and how to prepare yourself for that (view updated version here).

Thank you to all whose hard work has made this possible, wading through risk assessments, consulting with the Methodist Property Division, buying the right cleaning and hand sanitising equipment at the right price (!), sending for posters, checking details, the marshalls who have attended training in their roles, and trying to make sure people know what is happening. If we’ve slipped up, we apologise; some things may only emerge as we do them; sometimes it’s been a fast moving and changing situation so that wide consultation has been impossible.
Catriona Stoker, Co-ordinating Steward


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